Bodyology Online Massage Courses

All levels online massage courses, webinars, topics and networking. Join the revolution.

Online Courses

  • Holistic Massage Diploma Course (Level 4)

  • Introduction to Massage 'Taster' course

    This course is taking place in ...

  • Deep Tissue Massage Course

    This course is taking place in London, United Kingdom

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Face To Face Courses

  • Introduction to Massage Course

    One-day courses for complete beginners. Learn to give an effective & relaxing massage Thinking of taking the professional diploma course? Take this course as a free taster Practical hands-on teaching approach

  • Professional Massage Diploma Courses

    Top quality diploma course teaching the ‘real thing’ of becoming a master professional therapist Highly accredited by the Massage Training Institute, insurances and more Help with finding your first job. Nine months, part-time

  • Advanced Massage Courses

    Top quality diploma course teaching the ‘real thing’ of becoming a master professional therapist Highly accredited by the Massage Training Institute, insurances and more Help with finding your first job. Nine months, part-time

  • Dror Steiner
      Dror Steiner commented on comment by Dror Steiner

      I understand. its impractical to have such long webinars...Better short sessions. Still understand the needs to use normal courses dates, but it will be a combination of those. All the course material that we didn't cover yet in class will be done on a face to face fashion. The idea of the webinars so far is for revision and keep momentum, not to replace the teaching days.

    • Hanna
        Hanna commented on comment by Dror Steiner

        Yes for me they are, but not every weekend. Just the weekends we have allotted for on this course. We could then set up separate revision groups outside of the course for those who want them. I know i am we are on lockdown but I do still have other commitments so for me id prefer a longer session on the days we have put by for the course than sporadic sessions. But thats just me and may be different for others.


      • Dror Steiner
          Dror Steiner commented on Wall post by Hanna

          So weekends are better? Hm, interesting....How is it with others?

          • Hanna
            By Hanna

            Yes for me they are, but not every weekend. Just the weekends we have allotted for on this course. We could then set up separate revision groups outside of the course for those who want them. I know i am we are on lockdown but I do still have other commitments so for me id prefer a longer session on the days we have put by for the course than sporadic sessions. But thats just me and may be different for others.


          • Dror Steiner
            By Dror Steiner

            I understand. its impractical to have such long webinars...Better short sessions. Still understand the needs to use normal courses dates, but it will be a combination of those. All the course material that we didn't cover yet in class will be done on a face to face fashion. The idea of the webinars so far is for revision and keep momentum, not to replace the teaching days.

        • Indre
            Indre commented on Wall post by Hanna

            I’d be happy with that too!

          • Rama a
              Rama a liked Wall post by Hanna
            • Annie Lane
                Annie Lane commented on Wall post by Dror Steiner

                I think the area I feel most bewildered with is the peripheral nervous system workings.

              • Everton Rocha
                  Everton Rocha has a new avatar
                  Everton Rocha
                • Yusuf Chadun
                    Yusuf Chadun commented on Wall post by Dror Steiner

                    Hi Dror, apolgies, I already have a regular Wednesday evening call in my diary from 7-9. Can you record the session please?

                  • Lorraine Rawson
                      Lorraine Rawson commented on Wall post by Dror Steiner

                      Further to your above Dror, when you are covering each muscle could you show us how to cover them during massage showing us from attachment to attachment please? If you have an able volunteer in your household that is. Many thanks.

                    • Paul Mullis
                        Paul Mullis commented on Wall post by Annie Lane

                        Hi Dror. Wednesday at 7:30 is good for me. Could you please let me know what the process for joining the webinar is. Thanks. Paul

                      • Dror Steiner
                          Dror Steiner commented on Wall post by Dror Steiner

                          Exercise now is super important. I dare you to take cold shower, great for the immune system!

                        • Dror Steiner
                            Dror Steiner commented on Wall post by Dror Steiner

                            Will do! Thank you, Catherine.

                          • Catherine Howard-Schiff

                              thank you Dror for the above. I'm sure this will be covered, but could we have a quick recap about flexion and extension especially on lower limbs. Many thanks

                            • Rama a
                                Rama a liked comment by Indre
                              • Lorraine Rawson
                                  Lorraine Rawson commented on Wall post by Cristina Gri

                                  Thank you Cris. 4 migraine's in 5 days. Hoping to do some revision now. oops no, child interruption.....I'll keep trying. Hope u r well xx

                                • Lorraine Rawson
                                    Lorraine Rawson commented on Wall post by Dror Steiner

                                    My husband is continuing marathon training whilst he is still allowed, so he will be regularly massaged to keep up on those skills. For me it's being able to concentrate & interruptions & shopping for 3 households. I've had 4 migraine's in 5 days! Thus making studying difficult. Anyway I'm off to se if I can do a bit now.

                                  • Cristina Gri
                                      Cristina Gri commented on comment by Lorraine Rawson

                                      Hey Lorraine,
                                      if you need a chat, let me know ;)
                                      Cris x

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