Comments on comment by Dror Steiner

Dror Steiner
    Dror Steiner on Untitled (): So weekends are better? Hm, interesting....How is it with others?
    • Hanna
      By Hanna

      Yes for me they are, but not every weekend. Just the weekends we have allotted for on this course. We could then set up separate revision groups outside of the course for those who want them. I know i am we are on lockdown but I do still have other commitments so for me id prefer a longer session on the days we have put by for the course than sporadic sessions. But thats just me and may be different for others.


    • Dror Steiner
      By Dror Steiner

      I understand. its impractical to have such long webinars...Better short sessions. Still understand the needs to use normal courses dates, but it will be a combination of those. All the course material that we didn't cover yet in class will be done on a face to face fashion. The idea of the webinars so far is for revision and keep momentum, not to replace the teaching days.