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  • Fiona Neathey

      Hi All
      Does anyone want to do a massage exchange? I live in Herne Hill. Happy to host or travel. Fiona

      • Annabel Hansen
        By Annabel Hansen

        I'm unable to host at the moment as we have really messy house from building !

      • Blanche Brewer
        By Blanche Brewer

        Hi there, happy to do an exchange, I'm based in Sydenham Hill. Am free Thursdays, Fridays during school hours and Sundays all day. Send me a PM if you are interested.

      • Lisa Goodwin
        By Lisa Goodwin

        Hi Fiona
        Im free next week if any good Tuesday or Wednesday. Happy to travel to you Lisa x

    • Ivett Magyar
        Ivett Magyar is now a friend with Orsolya Lazar -Erdelyi
        Ivett Magyar
          Orsolya Lazar -Erdelyi
          • Orsolya Lazar -Erdelyi
              Orsolya Lazar -Erdelyi is now a friend with Ivett Magyar
              Orsolya Lazar -Erdelyi
                Ivett Magyar
                • Adeel Saleem
                    Adeel Saleem has a new avatar
                    Adeel Saleem
                  • Melissa Franklin
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                      Melissa Franklin
                    • Misha Patel
                        Misha Patel has a new avatar
                        Misha Patel
                      • Dror Steiner

                          Link between babys' nerveous system, birth and evolution (any myelination)...

                        • Blanche Brewer
                            Blanche Brewer commented on Wall post by Dror Steiner

                            Hello all, I am interested in doing this and have emailed Refuge to ask where they will be based on marathon day and if they provide massage tables. If we have to bring along our own tables I have asked if they can help with transport or expenses to cover a taxi. Will keep you posted. B.

                          • Dror Steiner
                              Dror Steiner commented on Wall post by Dror Steiner

                              Hi guys, all is sorted. just talked to Imogen Richardson from Refuge and you can attend this event with you students insurance!! Let me know how you getting on with. Best, Dror

                            • Dror Steiner
                                Dror Steiner commented on Wall post by Dror Steiner

                                I am not sure. Potentially yes.... I will send Sarah an email.

                              • Soraya Mattis
                                  Soraya Mattis commented on Wall post by Dror Steiner

                                  Hey Dror, I have been in contact with Sarah and she is more than happy for me to attend the event - but considering my student status she has asked that a tutor come along. Will you be attending? Thanks.

                                • Emmanuel Tetteh
                                    Emmanuel Tetteh joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
                                  • Dror Steiner
                                      Dror Steiner in a topic Volunteering opportunities

                                      Dear all,
                                      Another volunteering opportunity that landed on my desk..


                                      Hello Bodyology,
                                      On behalf of Refuge, I am looking to recruit volunteer massage therapists to give post-race massages to our runners at our post-race reception for the London Marathon at Opal Bar in Embankment, on the 23rd of April.

                                      Refuge is a charity which is committed to a world where domestic violence is not tolerated and where women and children can live in safety. We support over 4,500 women and children on any given day, aiming to empower them to rebuild their lives, free from violence and fear. We provide a range of life-saving and life-changing services, and a voice for the voiceless.

                                      If you know anyone who might be available to support our fantastic team of runners who have raised money to help us continue to provide our services, please do email us at for more details. Kind Regards, Sarah Gulamhusein

                                      • Dror Steiner
                                        By Dror Steiner

                                        I am not sure. Potentially yes.... I will send Sarah an email.

                                      • Dror Steiner
                                        By Dror Steiner

                                        Hi guys, all is sorted. just talked to Imogen Richardson from Refuge and you can attend this event with you students insurance!! Let me know how you getting on with. Best, Dror

                                      • Blanche Brewer
                                        By Blanche Brewer

                                        Hello all, I am interested in doing this and have emailed Refuge to ask where they will be based on marathon day and if they provide massage tables. If we have to bring along our own tables I have asked if they can help with transport or expenses to cover a taxi. Will keep you posted. B.