Comments on Wall post by Helen Parker

Helen Parker

Hi Dror, I have a potential client who I've discovered has Leukemia,he had a stroke as a result of having a pacemaker fitted 18onths ago, and is diabetic. He is 84 and has chronic back pain..I am a little apprehensive about working with him. Any advice greatly received.

  • Dror Steiner
    By Dror Steiner

    Thanks Helen. First, you are right to be apprehensive about this client. I would have the same reaction. Being apprehensive would keep you out of trouble.
    So, probably there are many contraindications: cancer, pacemaker, stroke...And also, you need to consider your knowledge of those conditions, your ability to assess those condition.
    For example, some treatment of a stroke will be with a medication that make the book thinner. If they take this medication, then your treatment might be different. So, t here are many layers of these.
    So, I think on this occasion, it might be too early for you to treat this client. But you might be ready with more knowledge later on in your journey.
    Hope that this helps...

    • Helen Parker
      By Helen Parker

      Thanks so much. This really resonates with me and I had already cancelled the appointment. Thank you, greatly appreciate the advice