Hi Dror et al,
Thank you for the response.
It makes sense and this is what i need to focus... forget overthinking and just connect to the body and muscles and let me go with the musicality of the movements.
As you said, I asked my client regarding repetition and she admitted that could have stayed receiving massage for another 2hours!
And this was very nice to hear...
But from the other hand... what will differentiate us from others and make clients to come again and again back to us... :)
Hello Evita,
Thank you for your question. It a question that many students have asked me during the years.
First, I would like to say that usually students like you, who GIVE massage, most of the time feel bored, lost and that they need 'more movements'.
On the other side, people who RECEIVE massage, don't mind repetition. They love slow, repetitive strokes.
So, the problem is not with the massage, but with us, the therapist.
The problem is in the way we think: Our thoughts are fast and progressive. Once we think something, we move on to the next 'thing'. In massage its different. In massage, we need slow down and move from the speed of 'thinking' to the speed of 'being'. And its difficult. So, we (the therapist) odd.
One more thing: it might be that you need more 'massage movements'. However, I would like you to also focus the improvement on the QUALITY of the massage: slow, well connected, responding to the client, musicality, connect movements together, use your body correctly, feel what happen to your client and more.
It will be nice to see what other students in the group feel about this subject so please join the conversation!!