Comments on comment by Dror Steiner

Dror Steiner
    Dror Steiner on Untitled (): Hello Emma, No, i don't have any extra MTI marking scheme, but I create ALL...
    • Emma Brett
      By Emma Brett

      Ok thank you for answering!

    • Emma Brett
      By Emma Brett

      Hi Dror,

      This is my answer from the notes for the first part of the question but it just feels like far too much information for 7 marks. My concern is that I try to learn all of this detail then forget parts and the parts I forget are the parts that the 7 marks are actually for. If that makes sense.

      • There are two major stages in inflammation.
      • Acute inflammation – initial stage – usually short-term lasting for a few days. Local contraindication to massage.
      • Caused by infection, tissue damage (sprain or strain), toxins and more
      • Damaged cells secrete chemicals such as histamines which cause a local dilation of arteries. This causes more plasma to filtrate into the tissue resulting in heat, redness, swelling, pain and reduced function of the area. Blood vessels also increase their permeability so white blood cells can squeeze out towards the damaged area. Blood clotting then occurs around the inflamed area and seals it. Once the tissue is clean there is either regeneration of new tissue or scar tissue develops.
      • Chronic inflammation – long-term response which occurs if the acute inflammation cannot solve the issue.
      • Formation of abnormal collagen fibre (a scar) which reduces tissue elasticity, reduces fluid and blood movement which causes an increased waste production accumulation. The area can be pale, stiff and have a lack of blood. Chronic inflammation can stay for months and years without any apparent resolution.

    • Emma Brett
      By Emma Brett

      Or is this the amount of information expected for this part of the question?

    • Dror Steiner
      By Dror Steiner

      Very good answer. It doesnt have to be long, just full of those details. At the end, every long questions should be about 1 to 2 pages. your writing is more concise but includes all the needed points. Its not an exam about 'how to elaborate your knowledge' but about just giving the details you know. Short is good. One word: try not to be too short...Describe things as you can, but you are in the point of good balance.