Comments on Wall post by Amy Smith

Amy Smith

Hello Dror,
Yesterday we realised we are unsure if our minimum massage journal hours are the pre-covid requirements (40 hrs giving, 10 receiving etc.) or if the C19 changes apply to our group as well (minimum 30 hrs giving, 5 hrs receiving). Can you confirm which it is?

  • Dror Steiner
    By Dror Steiner

    Hello Amy,
    Due to Covid situation started, MTI and it's schools need to negotiate before each practical exam a waiver for the massage hours. So, instead of 50 total hours (40 give and 10 received), the waiver allow students to sit in the final exam with only 35 total hours (30 give, 5 recieved).
    I have asked now and received a confirmation that the knee group will be able to take the exam with the 35 total hours minimum. I am not sure if we (me and all of you) are happy about it as I am sure you want to graduate in the best way, but at least we are now know the situation. I understand that there is some unknown factors about the exam. Please keep asking me. Some are down to me and its based on a person to person situation. At the end, I would like to ensure that each one of you is ready to work and practice...
    Best wishes, Dror