Introduction to massage online Course





Taken by thousands of happy students, now online!

The massage method that taught many to give a great relaxing massage to family, partners & friends.

Taught by Dror Steiner, who has 20 million views on YouTube massage videos.

This course should be your first step into the world of massage, even for those considering practising massage professionally.


Life Long Access $US 39


11 Benefits of joining this course

* Clear, step-by-step videos

* No prior knowledge is needed to take and enjoy this course

* Low price compared to other courses

* Lifelong access to the course 
* Learn the art of massage, not just doing 'the moves.'

* Learn how to prepare for a massage session: equipment, setting, using your body and more

* Great range of effective massage techniques & how to perform them

* How to feel tight muscles

* How to create a flow when giving massage 

* How to communicate relaxation through your hands

* Learn anatomy so you know where are those tight muscles

Life Long Access $US 39




Life Long Access $US 39



What will you get in this course?

This course includes the following instructional videos:

How to use your body while giving a massage: Giving a great massage starts with knowing how to move your body correctly and how to lean and use your weight rather than your muscles. 

Equipment for a massage session: How to operate the massage table, which linens, towels and oil to use so that your massage session will be successful.


How to prepare your client for a massage: How to undress and cover the client so they feel safe, warm and comfortable.


Creating a flow in your massage: Learning the flow techniques, movement and rhythm of massage can make or break a good massage. Learn how to use your hands for a firm and flowy touch.


Students practice massage flow: this is a fantastic way to keep learning by watching other students practising while the tutor gives extra tips and feedback to students. Don't skip this video.


Anatomy of the back: Visually see where are the bones of the spine and all the essential muscles. This is essential for our next video, which focuses on massaging the back muscles.


 The back massage techniques: After all the previous videos, we now add the three basic Swedish massage techniques: Hold, Effleurage and Petrissage. Learn how to perform those techniques effectively. We keep revising all the previous skills: quality of touch, nice flow, locating the muscles, using the body correctly and more.


 The back students' practice: Watch students practising the back massage while the tutor gives extra tips and feedback. Observing other people giving massage is an excellent added method to improve your massage.


 Anatomy of the neck and shoulders: Visually see where the bones, trapezius, and erector spinea muscles are located. This ensures you know how to find those muscles and how to massage them (and not the bones around!).


 Neck and shoulder massage techniques: We will take all the Swedish techniques we learned on the back and adapt them to the neck and shoulders. The emphasis here will be on learning to massage the neck and shoulders differently, as they are more delicate than the back.


 Neck and shoulders students practice: Watch other students practising neck and shoulder massage while observing the tutor's tips and feedback will help you improve your massage.


 Bonus: Face and scalp massage techniques: This area can be massaged without undressing or using oil so that it might suit some first-time message receivers.

Final video: What's next? What to do from here?

Life Long Access $US 39




" For over 26 years, I have been teaching thousands of students to become 'massage artists'." Dror Steiner

Dror is a massage therapist, naturopath and osteopath in London, United Kingdom. Dror founded Bodyology Massage School in 2008, where he teaches thousands of students and tutors. Read more about Dror

While teaching massage, I focus on the quality of the touch in performing it. I take no shortcuts: I share all my knowledge, skills, tips and secrets of giving a great massage here. 

In my teaching, preparation for the massage is an important starting point. This includes setting up the room and equipment, mentally preparing yourself, and more. You (the one giving massage) are essential to the massage, so I also focus on the giver's well-being.  

I look carefully at helping students with how to use their bodies. This ensures that your body is calm and improves the quality of touch as you use less muscle force and more of your weight.  

I like teaching many optional massage techniques for any given situation and the right way to perform those.  I carefully selected those techniques that people love to receive yet are easy for you to perform. 

As an osteopath, the importance of the science of anatomy and physiology is clear to me. In my courses, I choose the anatomy that matters for learning massage and make teaching those fun.  For example, instead of teaching muscles from books, you would see those muscles on a skeleton. Don’t worry, it's a plastic skeleton. 

At Bodyology, we love sharing our knowledge on YouTube, which has 20 million views and 97 thousand of subscribers worldwide. But in this course, my teaching goes far beyond those YouTube videos.

This course can also be a personal journey for those taking it by learning how to communicate through touch (which is a language), improve your body awareness and the sense of ‘being comfortable in your body’, improve your well-being, and develop empathy while helping others. 

My explanations are clear & simple, so you can easily follow me. 

Looking forward to seeing you with oily hands relaxing others (and yourself). And if you find yourself in London, United Kingdom, we also offer many In-person massage courses.

Dror Steiner


Life Long Access $US 39