Bodyology Online Massage Courses

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Online Courses

  • Holistic Massage Diploma Course (Level 4)

  • Introduction to Massage 'Taster' course

    This course is taking place in ...

  • Deep Tissue Massage Course

    This course is taking place in London, United Kingdom

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Face To Face Courses

  • Introduction to Massage Course

    One-day courses for complete beginners. Learn to give an effective & relaxing massage Thinking of taking the professional diploma course? Take this course as a free taster Practical hands-on teaching approach

  • Professional Massage Diploma Courses

    Top quality diploma course teaching the ‘real thing’ of becoming a master professional therapist Highly accredited by the Massage Training Institute, insurances and more Help with finding your first job. Nine months, part-time

  • Advanced Massage Courses

    Top quality diploma course teaching the ‘real thing’ of becoming a master professional therapist Highly accredited by the Massage Training Institute, insurances and more Help with finding your first job. Nine months, part-time

  • Dror Steiner
      Dror Steiner created the course Joint Mobilisation & Stretching
    • Phifer fitness
        Phifer fitness shared a link

        At Phifer Fitness, we believe in the transformative power of exercise. The top 10 benefits of physical activity are well-documented and form the cornerstone of our training philosophy. Regular exercise can help you:
        • Improve cardiovascular health
        • Boost mental health and reduce stress
        • Increase muscle strength and endurance
        • Enhance flexibility and mobility
        • Support weight management
        • Strengthen bones and joints
        • Improve sleep quality
        • Increase energy levels
        • Boost immunity
        • Promote longevity
        These benefits aren't just theoretical; they're real, tangible results that you can achieve with the right guidance and support. At Phifer Fitness, our goal is to help you unlock these benefits through a customized fitness plan that fits your lifestyle.

        Top 10 Benefits of Regular Exercise for Overall Health

        Here’s a detailed look at the top ten benefits of incorporating regular exercise into your routine, and how Phifer Fitness can help you on this journey.

      • Sherine Norris
          Sherine Norris joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
        • Maria Bargaoanu
            Maria Bargaoanu joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
          • Edgaras Akopdzanjanas
              Edgaras Akopdzanjanas has a new avatar
              Edgaras Akopdzanjanas
            • Dror Steiner

                Sorry about such a late reply. This is what happen when you start moving from a country to country.
                Usually the direction of movement is much more important in effleurage as it is the technique that 'move the blood'. Petrissage is more local, deeper and can help in blood circulation but only on a local level, hence its not that important the direction.
                Usually I keep the direction of the effleurage on both the upper and lower limb to be 'toward the heart', but on the torso is not that important. Why? ask me that question please when we learn the cardiovascular system.
                I love the question, Jen. Please more!

              • Sim Virdi
                  Sim Virdi commented on Wall post by Sim Virdi

                  Thank you Dror, that’s super helpful information!

                • Filip Kucharski
                    Filip Kucharski joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
                  • Thuduwage Perera
                      Thuduwage Perera joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
                    • Dror Steiner
                        Dror Steiner commented on Wall post by Sim Virdi

                        Hi Sim,
                        Thank you!
                        CHP can be used as:
                        1. massage professional association: you can become a member.
                        2. A verifying body to let you become a member of CNHC. I don't have this magic power.
                        So yes: if you want to become a member of CNHC, you will need to do it via CHP. You don't have to be a member of CHP for ever, just for one year at least.
                        Best wishes,

                      • Sim Virdi
                          Sim Virdi joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
                        • Andrew Laing
                            Andrew Laing joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
                          • Bryony White
                              Bryony White joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
                            • Nicki Tovstiga
                                Nicki Tovstiga joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
                              • Gary W
                                  Gary W joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
                                • Helen Parker
                                    Helen Parker commented on comment by Dror Steiner

                                    Thanks so much. This really resonates with me and I had already cancelled the appointment. Thank you, greatly appreciate the advice

                                  • Dror Steiner
                                      Dror Steiner commented on Wall post by Helen Parker

                                      Thanks Helen. First, you are right to be apprehensive about this client. I would have the same reaction. Being apprehensive would keep you out of trouble.
                                      So, probably there are many contraindications: cancer, pacemaker, stroke...And also, you need to consider your knowledge of those conditions, your ability to assess those condition.
                                      For example, some treatment of a stroke will be with a medication that make the book thinner. If they take this medication, then your treatment might be different. So, t here are many layers of these.
                                      So, I think on this occasion, it might be too early for you to treat this client. But you might be ready with more knowledge later on in your journey.
                                      Hope that this helps...

                                      • Helen Parker
                                        By Helen Parker

                                        Thanks so much. This really resonates with me and I had already cancelled the appointment. Thank you, greatly appreciate the advice

                                    • Dror Steiner
                                        Dror Steiner created a page Webinars Recording
                                      • Lukas Parry-Norman
                                          Lukas Parry-Norman has a new avatar
                                          Lukas Parry-Norman
                                        • Olivia Trenaman
                                            Olivia Trenaman joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates

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