Michele Anderson

Michele Anderson
    • Michele Anderson joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
    • Hi Richard maybe try a bit of washing up liquid in your wash as it cuts grease. Don't put too much though you don't want to create a bubble zone!

    • Hi i did massage Monday and Tuesday. Went better than expected but still room for lots of improvement. Need some fluidity

      • Dror Steiner
        By Dror Steiner

        Thanks Michele, Stuart and all the rest of the group. Great! Good start! Your learning curve will be quite high in the next few months, so allow some space and time. The first step in improvement is the balance between recognising your positive development, yet see what still need to get better. You are welcome to use any other oil and other 'stuff', but be I want you to focus on the things we did in class. Its lovely to add candles ect, but you should 'hold' a good massage without those.

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