Bodyology Online Massage Courses

All levels online massage courses, webinars, topics and networking. Join the revolution.

Online Courses

  • Holistic Massage Diploma Course (Level 4)

  • Introduction to Massage 'Taster' course

    This course is taking place in ...

  • Deep Tissue Massage Course

    This course is taking place in London, United Kingdom

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Face To Face Courses

  • Introduction to Massage Course

    One-day courses for complete beginners. Learn to give an effective & relaxing massage Thinking of taking the professional diploma course? Take this course as a free taster Practical hands-on teaching approach

  • Professional Massage Diploma Courses

    Top quality diploma course teaching the ‘real thing’ of becoming a master professional therapist Highly accredited by the Massage Training Institute, insurances and more Help with finding your first job. Nine months, part-time

  • Advanced Massage Courses

    Top quality diploma course teaching the ‘real thing’ of becoming a master professional therapist Highly accredited by the Massage Training Institute, insurances and more Help with finding your first job. Nine months, part-time

  • Dror Steiner
      Dror Steiner commented on Wall post by Richard Laugher

      Happy new year to all!! Hope 2024 will be the year of both personal, professional and spiritual development.
      How about having an important new year resolution: laundry your towel early after the massage :)
      I think the above will help with the smell: an early laundry. Also, moving away from oil to cream.
      Looking forward to see you soon!

    • Susanna Lombardo
        Susanna Lombardo joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
      • Silvia Mackinnon
          Silvia Mackinnon joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
        • Nicky R
            Nicky R joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
          • Dror Steiner
              Dror Steiner commented on Wall post by Fran H

              Ah, Fran. Now I can see the connection. She is dancing beautifully. Ispiration!

            • Dror Steiner
                Dror Steiner commented on Wall post by evita katsifi

                Hello Evita. Yes! It was great fun, and more to come! I feel that you are right. This kind of music is better suited for the therapists, not for clients. These kind of kinds of music just help therapists to let go, to be more artistic, to get out of the frame of 'whats allowe'. Yet, during the massage session with clients, I don't think its a good idea to put this kind of music to clients. Alothough, I have some clients who like even more energetic music....

              • evita katsifi
                • Emma Brett
                    Emma Brett commented on comment by Dror Steiner

                    Great thank you!

                  • Emma Brett
                    • Dror Steiner
                        Dror Steiner commented on Wall post by Emma Brett

                        Hi Emma,
                        I will have oil and pencil case.
                        In terms of Covid: I have ask your clients to let me know if they have any symptoms of flu.
                        All you need to do during the exam, is just to ask them if they have any flu symptoms since they have booked the session.

                        • Emma Brett
                          By Emma Brett

                          Great thank you!

                      • Olga Tomilo
                          Olga Tomilo liked Wall post by Fran H
                        • Aubrielle Sanderson

                            New research into essay writing methodologies constantly reshapes our understanding. It sheds light on evolving trends, effective approaches, and innovative techniques, offering students updated strategies. Embracing new findings fosters improved writing skills, enriches content, and enhances the overall quality of academic essays.

                          • evita katsifi
                              evita katsifi commented on comment by Dror Steiner

                              yes thank you

                            • Dror Steiner
                                Dror Steiner commented on Wall post by Richard Laugher

                                Hello Richard,
                                The calendar has all the times, just click on each event and you will see the whole details of each class.
                                Tomorrow's webinar is 10.00am to 14.00 pm
                                See you tomorrow!

                                • evita katsifi
                                  By evita katsifi

                                  yes thank you

                              • Dror Steiner
                                  Dror Steiner commented on Wall post by evita katsifi

                                  HI Evita,
                                  Yes, you can do it.
                                  The minimum you need to do it 10 clients. As you need to do 50 sessions, the AVERAGE treatment for each client is 4 or 5.
                                  But you can give some clients more treatments then 4 or 5. Up to you.
                                  Is that clear?
                                  Best Dror

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