Bodyology Online Massage Courses

All levels online massage courses, webinars, topics and networking. Join the revolution.

Online Courses

  • Holistic Massage Diploma Course (Level 4)

  • Introduction to Massage 'Taster' course

    This course is taking place in ...

  • Deep Tissue Massage Course

    This course is taking place in London, United Kingdom

Love massage? Subscribe to news, new course & meeting!

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Face To Face Courses

  • Introduction to Massage Course

    One-day courses for complete beginners. Learn to give an effective & relaxing massage Thinking of taking the professional diploma course? Take this course as a free taster Practical hands-on teaching approach

  • Professional Massage Diploma Courses

    Top quality diploma course teaching the ‘real thing’ of becoming a master professional therapist Highly accredited by the Massage Training Institute, insurances and more Help with finding your first job. Nine months, part-time

  • Advanced Massage Courses

    Top quality diploma course teaching the ‘real thing’ of becoming a master professional therapist Highly accredited by the Massage Training Institute, insurances and more Help with finding your first job. Nine months, part-time

  • Dror Steiner
      Dror Steiner

      asdl;fkj as;dlfj as;dlf j;asdkljf

    • Dror Steiner
        Dror Steiner


      • Roy Fernandez Alvarado
        • Shelina Begum
            Shelina Begum joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
          • Dror Steiner
              Dror Steiner

              But once I write a comment, i can not see it saved...

            • Dror Steiner
                Dror Steiner

                I can see this

              • Sheila Dwyer
                  Sheila Dwyer joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
                • Dror Steiner
                    Dror Steiner

                    Yes it look ok

                  • Dror Steiner
                      Dror Steiner


                    • Dror Steiner
                        Dror Steiner

                        The red notification stays there after I have wrote on the wall. when would it disappear?

                      • Dror Steiner
                          Dror Steiner

                          Yes, looks good!

                        • Mark Weaver
                            Mark Weaver has a new avatar
                            Mark Weaver
                          • Kyle Packer
                              Kyle Packer is now a friend with Cecile Dumont
                              Kyle Packer
                                Cecile Dumont
                                • Cecile Dumont
                                    Cecile Dumont is now a friend with Kyle Packer
                                    Cecile Dumont
                                      Kyle Packer
                                      • Kyle Packer
                                          Kyle Packer has a new avatar
                                          Kyle Packer
                                        • Kitti Szabo
                                            Kitti Szabo has a new avatar
                                            Kitti Szabo
                                          • John Psaradakis
                                              John Psaradakis has a new avatar
                                              John Psaradakis
                                            • Stuart Beck
                                                Stuart Beck joined the topic Volunteering opportunities
                                              • Emma White
                                                  Emma White joined the course Introduction to Massage 'Taster' course

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