Deep tissue massage is beneficial to you and a great magnet for attracting new clients! Clients love deep tissue massage as it reaches deeper muscles and soft tissues, and is a lot more effective in solving chronic aches, pain and tension.
Massage therapists love using deep tissue massage, as it solves clients’ problems that are difficult to address with other techniques. It also opens a new & creative element in bodywork and it attracts a lot more new clients.
The course will be taught by Dror Steiner, an osteopath & massage therapist and a legend on YouTube (probably an exaggeration) with more than 10.2 million views. Over the years, Bodyology has, on several occasions, been selected as a Top Ten worldwide massage YouTube channel.
Tuesday & Wednesday. 4th & 5th March 2025 ( 10AM-5PM)
Tuesday & Wednesday. 25th & 26th November 2025 ( 10AM-5PM)
Location: 16A Northumberland Road, Barnet, EN5 1ED. Map
When done properly, deep tissue massage can transform your client into a pain-free, relaxed and happy customer. Done badly, deep tissue massage is a licence to abuse in the name of ‘no pain no gain’.
This practical course is packed with massage techniques and skills, so prepare your hands! We will teach you everything you need to know to apply deep tissue technique. We keep the theory to a minimum, so you can practice as much as possible.
Our tutors will first demonstrate certain massage technique, then you will practice in pairs, whilst being supervised by the tutors, to improve the quality of the massage you give.
After the course, you will have access to our Online Course Companion, where you can: – watch all the courses’ techniques videos to reinforce and refresh your learning – download files for further learning
We emphasize teaching deep tissue while keeping clients’ pain to a minimum. This dramatically reduces muscle tension and improves the results. Bodyology offers a rich and active learning experience, teaching you superb massage techniques.