Michael came to Bodyology with the Master's Degree of Science under his belt, and he felt quite familiar with the learning processes. But Bodyology surprised him. “I was very impressed by the way the Bodyology tutors made the material easy to understand,” he said. Tutors call their teaching process “Active Learning” at Bodyology.
“We learned muscles by painting them on the body, we built bones from pipes and did role-playing pretending to be difficult or demanding clients,” Michael said. With no doubt, he gave thumbs up for the course.
Michael, why massage?
I like helping people.
What profession would you choose if not massage therapy?
I would study Medicine.
What is your life’s inspiration?
I like learning new things.
What’s your life motto?
Don’t think about your future. Make the best of the present moment.
What advice can you give to students?
Be curious and proactive: open your eyes and learn from everything around you.
What’s your experience at Bodyology?
What do you like about Bodyology?
I was surprised by how tutors made theory lessons interesting.