Two neck stretches

-To relieve pain in the neck area (possibly from sitting at a computer, reading etc)
-There are not time consuming and can be done every day

Levator scapula stretch (as below)
1.    In sitting, turn your head and look down into your right armpit.
2.    Place your right palm behind your head and gently pull your head towards your right armpit. Relax and keep the left shoulder down. You will feel a stretch on the left side of the neck. Do not bounce the head with hand.
3.    Hold for 20 seconds. 
4.    Repeat on the other side
Muscle stretched: Levator scapula






Lateral Cervical Stretch (as above)
1.    Stand or sit in a comfortable position.
2.    Gently tilt the head to the side, creating a stretch in the opposite side of the neck.
3.    Hold stretch for 20 seconds
4.    Repeat on the other side.

Muscles stretched: Upper trapezius and the scalenes as well as the other laterally placed Cervical muscles. 

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