Use Stairs, not lifts!

The easiest way to start and keep healthy without signing up to the gym. Climbing stairs rather than riding the escalator or elevator is a great activity to build into your day. Indeed, stair climbing challenges more muscles than standing and level walking! 

Benefits of Stair Climbing

•    Requires no specific equipment to climb.

•    30 minutes of stair climbing can be incorporated anytime during the day.

•    Helps develop a healthy habit.

•     Aerobic capacity increases which leads to a healthier and more effective heart, lungs and blood vessels.

•    Reduces the cholesterol levels and maintains a good level balance in the body.

•    Can reduce the risk of osteoarthritis that primarily affects the knees and hip.

•    Boosts your attitude, mood and confidence.

•    Increases the gland secretions of wellbeing hormones.

•     Helps improving and providing more energy to perform activities.

•    Helps you lead an active and independent life by strengthening your muscle and heart capacities.

•    Helps tone the muscles.

•    Puts less pressure on the joints than running or jogging on concrete surfaces.

•    Getting more active and mobile in general will improve your health drastically! 

Guidelines for Stair Climbing

•    Breathe!

•    Stair climbing may sound easy but it is not.  You should not take the support of the railings situated on the sides of the stairs. This will put a pressure on the body to support itself. Grasping for support can also lead to wrist or elbow strain or injury.

•    You should not bend forward while climbing as it can strain your lower back. Maintain a straight posture and attitude.

•    Frequency, intensity and time are also very important for taking stair climbing as a serious aerobic exercise. Ensure that you start slowly and steadily and increase the intensity. 

•    Get used to it and it will become spontaneous!

“Every Step Counts: or Why Taking the Stairs Will Improve and Prolong Your Life (The Value of Non Exercise Physical Activity)”