Louise Horsfield's Wall

  • Louise Horsfield
      Louise Horsfield

      Hi Dror,
      I have been looking at some old exam papers, short questions, and I am unsure about one question. Name a muscle which can both flex and adduct the arm?
      Thank you for your help with this.

      • Cara

        Hi Louise, I'd be really interested to have a look at these too as I've really not been too sure as to what I can focus on re. learning wise since seeing you all last. Please could you advise where you found these, thanks so much x

        • Louise Horsfield
          By Louise Horsfield

          Hi Cara,
          At the bottom of Course Modules and Subjects, you will see Final Exams, go to Final Theory Exam then Past Theory Exam and Revision Tips. You should be able to download some past exam papers.
          Hope that helps.
          All the best.

      • Cara

        Hi there, I have been looking at what work we should be doing this week other than the notes you already gave us and watching some of the videos online to refresh our learning, and have only just come across the notes on the muscular system and nervous system as well as a few other bits there....the course timeline by day section..... Dror please can you advise if we should've learnt all of this by the time we see you next week? ...I'm not sure if I have missed an email on this or if this is perhaps old material? A little bit confused about what theory work we should've been doing?

        Thanks, Cara