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  • Sim Virdi
      Sim Virdi commented on Wall post by Sim Virdi

      Thanks Dror - I understand.
      See you next week!

    • Dror Steiner
        Dror Steiner commented on Wall post by Nicki Tovstiga

        Having a clock is a great idea!! I had few treatments in my career, when I felt completely lost when I didn't have a clock. Very odd feeling.

      • Sophia Bourne
          Sophia Bourne commented on comment by Andrew Laing

          Have you recover from you two friends canceling on you? Hope its not repeated...

        • Dror Steiner
            Dror Steiner commented on Wall post by Sim Virdi

            Hi Sim, Good to hear your progress. Unfortunately, there is not much I can do to change it. I have tried other ways, but it was such a mess that I have no intention on trying it again. At the end, for your exam, you will need to print all the massage journal anyhow. you will be happy to know that once your journal is in good shape during the course, you will not need to do anything for the final exam.

          • Marc Stevenson
              Marc Stevenson joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
            • Jane Wright
                Jane Wright joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
              • Dror Steiner

                  Great! It is for a whole year, but you will need it only for about 6 months. Once you graduated, you will change this insurance to full therapists. you will receive a refund for the months you didn't use it, then will pay for the full insurance.

                • Jolita Ruibiene
                    Jolita Ruibiene joined the topic Jobs for Bodyology graduates
                  • Dror Steiner
                      Dror Steiner commented on Wall post by Nicki Tovstiga

                      Amazing feeling! Its like...feeling very lucky to have such a job. You might need to work hard to come to the same feeling with future clients, but its definitely such a great taste for things to come. Thank you Nicki for sharing this blissful moment.

                    • Caitlin Allen
                        Caitlin Allen has a new avatar
                        Caitlin Allen
                      • Dror Steiner
                          Dror Steiner commented on comment by Jane Wright

                          Link to all Zoom:

                          The online webinar is an important part of your learning time. Please ensure your approach to the webinar is professional.

                          Here are a few pieces of advice to make the webinar a great learning experience:

                          Use a big-screen computer (laptop/desktop). Mobile devices have a screen that is too small.
                          Download Zoom
                          Be sure you are on Mute once you join
                          It’s good to see all, please share your camera if you can
                          Be sure you are in a quiet room, with good light, better to use an external microphone (not a must)
                          · Bring the class notes for the subject, papers, and pen.

                        • Jane Wright
                            Jane Wright commented on Wall post by Dror Steiner

                            Are we getting an email for webinar?

                            • Dror Steiner
                              By Dror Steiner

                              Link to all Zoom:

                              The online webinar is an important part of your learning time. Please ensure your approach to the webinar is professional.

                              Here are a few pieces of advice to make the webinar a great learning experience:

                              Use a big-screen computer (laptop/desktop). Mobile devices have a screen that is too small.
                              Download Zoom
                              Be sure you are on Mute once you join
                              It’s good to see all, please share your camera if you can
                              Be sure you are in a quiet room, with good light, better to use an external microphone (not a must)
                              · Bring the class notes for the subject, papers, and pen.

                          • Andrew Laing
                              Andrew Laing commented on Wall post by Dror Steiner

                              Hi Dror, studying is going well but had 2 friends cancel on me so defo need to catch up on giving massages!

                              • Sophia Bourne
                                By Sophia Bourne

                                Have you recover from you two friends canceling on you? Hope its not repeated...

                              • Andrew Laing
                                By Andrew Laing

                                I have Sophia thanks for asking. Have had 5 this month so far with 3 booked for next week

                            • Andrew Laing